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Ice and Water Shield


Grace Ice And Water Shield 


Several local building supplier carry it, eg I have purchased several times from Allied.  Also available from Dunn Lumber for $155.24 per roll.  Or from HomeDepot for $159. 


Installation guide

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 

Grace Ice and Water Shield 


Useful video instructions at http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=6nLgbs9f0Y8&NR=1