
Tool - Foam Gun

Great Stuff 230409 Pro 14 Foam Dispensing Gun

Foam Gun Great Stuff 

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002YOMJE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1  $47.91


I use three different types of foam depending on how much expansion I want...
    No expansion - Foam Adhesive
    Small expansion - Foam Windows and Doors
    Large expansion (and fire seal) - Foam Gap Filler and Fire Seal

You also need Foam Gun Cleaner .


Gluing instructions

Cleaning instructions

Use cleaner on the foam gun after you finish for the day.

In damp weather you need to be quick because the foam sets very quickly in the damp.


Windlock Foam Adhesive Brochure 1

Windlock Foam Adhesive Brochure 2

Windlock Foam Adhesive Brochure 3

Windlock Foam Adhesive Brochure 4