
Electrical - Whole house power surge arrestor

Square D by Schneider Electric HEPD80 Home Electronics Protective Device

Whole House Surge Protector SquareD 

3300 joules

Includes an LED indicator
NEMA 4X rated for outdoor/indoor use, 80,000 amp Surge Current Rating, 25,000 amp SCCR.
CSA and UL 1449 3rd Edition Type 1 SPD
Can be mounted to an brand of residential load center
Product warranty of 5 years and 50,000 residential downline warranty

http://www.amazon.com/Square-Schneider-Electric-HEPD80-Electronics/dp/B00CONA1OQ/ref=pd_sim_hi_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=04M1HJP7MFDZ36AK62XQ         $108

http://www.homedepot.com/p/Square-D-Home-Electronics-Protective-Device-HEPD-HEPD80/203540660?N=5yc1vZbm05         $108



I currently have a Tytewadd but this is no longer available.

Tytewadd whole house power surge arrestor         Tytewadd installed in panel

Used to be available from for about $150 plus shipping from Tytewadd.  The model you need is called a "C1".  Ordering can be done by sending mail to Rick Towe  tytewadd@aol.com .  They accept credit cards, but you will need to phone 417-736-4500 to give the card details (no web site ordering).